silences between ticks of a clock


Curated by Matt Siddall and Karl Halliday

George Paton Gallery, Union House, The University of Melbourne

17 - 27 February 2020

Rosanna Blacket, Madeleine Lesjak-Atton, Nina Sanadze, Gail Smith, Tina Stefanou & Mimmalisa Trifilò

link to exhibition catalogue

In an era characterised by mass surveillance, the ‘archival impulse’ and the widespread integration of digital media in our lives - granting all connected a platform to speak and enact - do acts of forgetting, disappearance and silence become forms of resistance?

silences between ticks of a clock invites the critical insight of six graduate Fine Arts students from the Victorian College of the Arts to meditate upon concepts of absence, erasure and temporality through six diverse approaches to contemporary art practice.

Engaging with themes of historical remembrance and amnesia, individual and collective memory, inclusion and exclusion within cultural institutions, and the mounting obsolescence of technologies old and new, silences between ticks of a clock considers and challenges the roles that memory performs in shaping contemporary experience, public consciousness and the underlying cultural values that inform them, bringing about new understandings of what it means to act and not act today.

Documentation by Christo Crocker.


i burnt a hole in my pocket to fix myself


it is a long time since this moment